Burundi Apparel Buyers and Clothing Business | Opportunities for Fashion Export and Import

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Burundi Apparel Buyers and Clothing Business | Opportunities for Fashion Export and Import

Burundi is a small landlocked country in East Africa with a population of over 11 million people. The country has a budding garment industry, with a

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Burundi is a small landlocked country in East Africa with a population of over 11 million people. The country has a budding garment industry, with a growing number of apparel buyers and clothing businesses. In this article, we will discuss the garment industry in Burundi, its apparel buyers, clothing business, and the opportunities for fashion export and import in the country.

The Burundi Garment Industry

The Burundi garment industry is relatively new and has not yet reached its full potential. However, the industry is growing steadily, with an increasing number of garment factories being established. Most of these factories are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that produce clothing items such as t-shirts, jeans, dresses, and workwear.

Despite the challenges faced by the industry, such as inadequate infrastructure and limited access to capital, the Burundi government has implemented various policies to support the development of the garment industry. One such policy is the establishment of the Burundi Investment Promotion Agency (API) which promotes and facilitates investment in the country’s textile and garment sector.

Burundi Apparel Buyers

The Burundi apparel buyers are a diverse group of individuals and companies, ranging from retailers to wholesalers and distributors. Most of these buyers operate in the informal sector and are primarily located in urban centers such as Bujumbura, Burundi’s capital city. Some of the popular clothing items imported by Burundi apparel buyers include t-shirts, jeans, dresses, and workwear.

Clothing Business in Burundi

The clothing business in Burundi is still in its early stages, but there is enormous potential for growth. With a large youthful population and a growing middle class, there is an increasing demand for fashionable and affordable clothing. Currently, most of the clothing businesses in Burundi are small and medium-sized enterprises that source their products locally or from neighboring countries.

Opportunities for Fashion Export and Import

Burundi offers several opportunities for fashion export and import, particularly in the garment industry. As mentioned earlier, the Burundi government has implemented policies to support the development of the textile and garment sector, making it an attractive destination for investors. Furthermore, the country is a member of the East African Community (EAC), which allows for the free movement of goods within the region. This means that Burundi apparel manufacturers can easily export their products to other EAC member countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda.

On the other hand, Burundi apparel buyers can import clothing items from other EAC member countries without incurring any tariffs. This presents a significant opportunity for fashion importers looking to do business in Burundi. Additionally, the country’s strategic location in East Africa makes it an excellent gateway to other African countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania, that have large markets for fashion and clothing.


The garment industry in Burundi is still in its early stages, but there is enormous potential for growth. With a growing number of apparel buyers and clothing businesses, as well as supportive government policies and the country’s strategic location, Burundi offers several opportunities for fashion export and import.

Tags: #Burundi #Garmentindustry #Apparelbuyers #Clothingbusiness #Fashionexport #Fashionimport #EastAfrica #EAC

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